5. Appendix

5.1. Glossary


A server application for exposing metrics to Prometheus


IBM’s mainframe product line


A server application for monitoring and alerting


Hardware Management Console for IBM Z

Jinja2 expression

A Jinja2 expression (without curly braces). See https://jinja.palletsprojects.com/en/3.1.x/templates/#expressions for a description.

Note that when putting Jinja2 expressions into YAML files, it is recommended to put the expression into double or single quotes. A Jinja2 expression that is a literal string would be e.g. 'abc' in Jinja2 and would need to be put into double quotes in YAML, e.g. value: "'abc'".

Metric service based metrics

Metrics that are retrieved from the HMC using the “Get Metric Context” operation. For more details, see Available metrics.

Resource property based metrics

Metrics that are obtained from properties of HMC resources. For more details, see Available metrics.