2. Usage

This section describes how to use the exporter beyond the quick introduction in Quickstart.

2.1. Running on a system

If you want to run the exporter on some system (e.g. on your workstation for trying it out), it is recommended to use a virtual Python environment.

With the virtual Python environment active, follow the steps in Quickstart to install, establish the required files, and to run the exporter.

2.2. Running in a Docker container

If you want to run the exporter in a Docker container you can create the container as follows, using the Dockerfile provided in the Git repository.

  • Clone the Git repository of the exporter and switch to the clone’s root directory:

    $ git clone https://github.com/zhmcclient/zhmc-prometheus-exporter
    $ cd zhmc-prometheus-exporter
  • Provide an HMC credentials file named hmccreds.yaml in the clone’s root directory, as described in Quickstart. You can copy it from the examples directory.

  • Provide a metric definition file named metrics.yaml in the clone’s root directory, as described in Quickstart. You can copy it from the examples directory.

  • Build the container as follows:

    $ docker build . -t zhmcexporter
  • Run the container as follows:

    $ docker run -p 9291:9291 zhmcexporter

2.3. zhmc_prometheus_exporter command

The zhmc_prometheus_exporter command supports the following arguments:

zhmc_prometheus_exporter [-p PORT] [-c CREDS_FILE] [-m METRICS_FILE] [-h]
                         [--help-creds] [--help-metrics]

IBM Z HMC Exporter - a Prometheus exporter for metrics from the IBM Z HMC

optional arguments:

  -p PORT          port for exporting.
                   Default: 9291

  -c CREDS_FILE    path name of HMC credentials file.
                   Use --help-creds for details.
                   Default: /etc/zhmc-prometheus-exporter/hmccreds.yaml

  -m METRICS_FILE  path name of metric definition file.
                   Use --help-metrics for details.
                   Default: /etc/zhmc-prometheus-exporter/metrics.yaml

  -h, --help       show this help message and exit

  --help-creds     show help for HMC credentials file and exit

  --help-metrics   show help for metric definition file and exit

2.4. Exported metric concepts

The exporter provides its metrics in the Prometheus text-based format.

All metrics are of the metric type gauge and follow the Prometheus metric naming. The names of the metrics are defined in the Metric definition file. The metric names could be changed by users, but unless there is a strong reason for doing that, it is not recommended. It is recommended to use the Sample metric definition file unchanged. The metrics mapping in the Sample metric definition file is referred to as the standard metric definition in this documentation.

In the standard metric definition, the metric names are structured as follows:



  • {resource-type} is a short lower case term for the type of resource the metric applies to, for example cpc or partition.
  • {metric} is a unique name of the metric within the resource type, for example processor.
  • {unit} is the (simple or complex) unit of measurement of the metric value. For example, a usage percentage will usually have a unit of usage_ratio, while a temperature would have a unit of celsius.

Each metric value applies to a particular instance of a resource. In a particular set of exported metrics, there are usually metrics for multiple resource instances. For example, the HMC can manage multiple CPCs, a CPC can have multiple partitions, and so on. In the exported metrics, the resource instance is identified using one or more Prometheus labels. Where possible, the labels identify the resource instances in a hierarchical way from the CPC on down to the resource to which the metric value applies. For example, a metric for a partition will have labels cpc and partition whose values are the names of CPC and partition, respectively.

Example for the representation of metric values that are the IFL processor usage percentages of two partitions in a single CPC:

# HELP zhmc_partition_ifl_processor_usage_ratio Usage ratio across all IFL processors of the partition
# TYPE zhmc_partition_ifl_processor_usage_ratio gauge
zhmc_partition_ifl_processor_usage_ratio{cpc='CPCA',partition='PART1'} 0.42
zhmc_partition_ifl_processor_usage_ratio{cpc='CPCA',partition='PART2'} 0.07

2.5. Available metrics

The exporter code is agnostic to the actual set of metrics supported by the HMC. A new metric can immediately be supported by just adding it to the Metric definition file.

The Sample metric definition file in the Git repository states in its header up to which HMC version or Z machine generation the metrics are defined.

The following table shows the mapping between HMC metric groups and exported Prometheus metrics in the standard metric definition. Note that ensemble and zBX related metrics are not covered in the standard metric definition (support for them has been removed in z15). For more details on the HMC metrics, see section “Metric Groups” in the HMC API book.

HMC Metric Group Mode Prometheus Metrics Prometheus Labels
cpc-usage-overview C zhmc_cpc_* cpc
logical-partition-usage C zhmc_partition_* cpc, partition
channel-usage C zhmc_channel_* cpc, channel_css_chpid
crypto-usage C zhmc_crypto_adapter_* cpc, adapter_pchid
flash-memory-usage C zhmc_flash_memory_adapter_* cpc, adapter_pchid
roce-usage C zhmc_roce_adapter_* cpc, adapter_pchid
dpm-system-usage-overview D zhmc_cpc_* cpc
partition-usage D zhmc_partition_* cpc, partition
adapter-usage D zhmc_adapter_* cpc, adapter
network-physical-adapter-port D zhmc_port_* cpc, adapter, port
partition-attached-network-interface D zhmc_nic_* cpc, partition, nic
zcpc-environmentals-and-power C+D zhmc_cpc_* cpc
environmental-power-status C+D zhmc_cpc_* cpc
zcpc-processor-usage C+D zhmc_processor_* cpc, processor


  • Mode: The operational mode of the CPC: C=Classic, D=DPM

As you can see, the zhmc_cpc_* and zhmc_partition_* metrics are used for both DPM mode and classic mode. The names of the metrics are equal if and only if they have the same meaning in both modes.

The following table shows the Prometheus metrics in the standard metric definition:

Prometheus Metric Mode Description
zhmc_cpc_processor_usage_ratio C+D Usage ratio across all processors of the CPC
zhmc_cpc_shared_processor_usage_ratio C+D Usage ratio across all shared processors of the CPC
zhmc_cpc_dedicated_processor_usage_ratio C Usage ratio across all dedicated processors of the CPC
zhmc_cpc_cp_processor_usage_ratio C+D Usage ratio across all CP processors of the CPC
zhmc_cpc_cp_shared_processor_usage_ratio C+D Usage ratio across all shared CP processors of the CPC
zhmc_cpc_cp_dedicated_processor_usage_ratio C Usage ratio across all dedicated CP processors of the CPC
zhmc_cpc_ifl_processor_usage_ratio C+D Usage ratio across all IFL processors of the CPC
zhmc_cpc_ifl_shared_processor_usage_ratio C+D Usage ratio across all shared IFL processors of the CPC
zhmc_cpc_ifl_dedicated_processor_usage_ratio C Usage ratio across all dedicated IFL processors of the CPC
zhmc_cpc_aap_shared_processor_usage_ratio C Usage ratio across all shared zAAP processors of the CPC
zhmc_cpc_aap_dedicated_processor_usage_ratio C Usage ratio across all dedicated zAAP processors of the CPC
zhmc_cpc_cbp_processor_usage_ratio C Usage ratio across all CBP processors of the CPC
zhmc_cpc_cbp_shared_processor_usage_ratio C Usage ratio across all shared CBP processors of the CPC
zhmc_cpc_cbp_dedicated_processor_usage_ratio C Usage ratio across all dedicated CBP processors of the CPC
zhmc_cpc_icf_processor_usage_ratio C Usage ratio across all ICF processors of the CPC
zhmc_cpc_icf_shared_processor_usage_ratio C Usage ratio across all shared ICF processors of the CPC
zhmc_cpc_icf_dedicated_processor_usage_ratio C Usage ratio across all dedicated ICF processors of the CPC
zhmc_cpc_iip_processor_usage_ratio C Usage ratio across all zIIP processors of the CPC
zhmc_cpc_iip_shared_processor_usage_ratio C Usage ratio across all shared zIIP processors of the CPC
zhmc_cpc_iip_dedicated_processor_usage_ratio C Usage ratio across all dedicated zIIP processors of the CPC
zhmc_cpc_channel_usage_ratio C Usage ratio across all channels of the CPC
zhmc_cpc_accelerator_adapter_usage_ratio D Usage ratio across all accelerator adapters of the CPC
zhmc_cpc_crypto_adapter_usage_ratio D Usage ratio across all crypto adapters of the CPC
zhmc_cpc_network_adapter_usage_ratio D Usage ratio across all network adapters of the CPC
zhmc_cpc_storage_adapter_usage_ratio D Usage ratio across all storage adapters of the CPC
zhmc_cpc_power_watts C+D Power consumption of the CPC
zhmc_cpc_ambient_temperature_celsius C+D Ambient temperature of the CPC
zhmc_crypto_adapter_usage_ratio C Usage ratio of the crypto adapter
zhmc_flash_memory_adapter_usage_ratio C Usage ratio of the flash memory adapter
zhmc_adapter_usage_ratio D Usage ratio of the adapter
zhmc_channel_usage_ratio C Usage ratio of the channel
zhmc_roce_adapter_usage_ratio C Usage ratio of the RoCE adapter
zhmc_partition_processor_usage_ratio C+D Usage ratio across all processors of the partition
zhmc_partition_cp_processor_usage_ratio C Usage ratio across all CP processors of the partition
zhmc_partition_ifl_processor_usage_ratio C Usage ratio across all IFL processors of the partition
zhmc_partition_icf_processor_usage_ratio C Usage ratio across all ICF processors of the partition
zhmc_partition_cbp_processor_usage_ratio C Usage ratio across all CBP processors of the partition
zhmc_partition_iip_processor_usage_ratio C Usage ratio across all IIP processors of the partition
zhmc_partition_accelerator_adapter_usage_ratio D Usage ratio of all accelerator adapters of the partition
zhmc_partition_crypto_adapter_usage_ratio D Usage ratio of all crypto adapters of the partition
zhmc_partition_network_adapter_usage_ratio D Usage ratio of all network adapters of the partition
zhmc_partition_storage_adapter_usage_ratio D Usage ratio of all storage adapters of the partition
zhmc_partition_zvm_paging_rate_pages_per_second C z/VM paging rate in pages/sec
zhmc_port_bytes_sent_count D Number of Bytes in unicast packets that were sent
zhmc_port_bytes_received_count D Number of Bytes in unicast packets that were received
zhmc_port_packets_sent_count D Number of unicast packets that were sent
zhmc_port_packets_received_count D Number of unicast packets that were received
zhmc_port_packets_sent_dropped_count D Number of sent packets that were dropped (resource shortage)
zhmc_port_packets_received_dropped_count D Number of received packets that were dropped (resource shortage)
zhmc_port_packets_sent_discarded_count D Number of sent packets that were discarded (malformed)
zhmc_port_packets_received_discarded_count D Number of received packets that were discarded (malformed)
zhmc_port_multicast_packets_sent_count D Number of multicast packets sent
zhmc_port_multicast_packets_received_count D Number of multicast packets received
zhmc_port_broadcast_packets_sent_count D Number of broadcast packets sent
zhmc_port_broadcast_packets_received_count D Number of broadcast packets received
zhmc_port_data_sent_bytes D Amount of data sent over the collection interval
zhmc_port_data_received_bytes D Amount of data received over the collection interval
zhmc_port_data_rate_sent_bytes_per_second D Data rate sent over the collection interval
zhmc_port_data_rate_received_bytes_per_second D Data rate received over the collection interval
zhmc_port_bandwidth_usage_ratio D Bandwidth usage ratio of the port
zhmc_nic_bytes_sent_count D Number of Bytes in unicast packets that were sent
zhmc_nic_bytes_received_count D Number of Bytes in unicast packets that were received
zhmc_nic_packets_sent_count D Number of unicast packets that were sent
zhmc_nic_packets_received_count D Number of unicast packets that were received
zhmc_nic_packets_sent_dropped_count D Number of sent packets that were dropped (resource shortage)
zhmc_nic_packets_received_dropped_count D Number of received packets that were dropped (resource shortage)
zhmc_nic_packets_sent_discarded_count D Number of sent packets that were discarded (malformed)
zhmc_nic_packets_received_discarded_count D Number of received packets that were discarded (malformed)
zhmc_nic_multicast_packets_sent_count D Number of multicast packets sent
zhmc_nic_multicast_packets_received_count D Number of multicast packets received
zhmc_nic_broadcast_packets_sent_count D Number of broadcast packets sent
zhmc_nic_broadcast_packets_received_count D Number of broadcast packets received
zhmc_nic_data_sent_bytes D Amount of data sent over the collection interval
zhmc_nic_data_received_bytes D Amount of data received over the collection interval
zhmc_nic_data_rate_sent_bytes_per_second D Data rate sent over the collection interval
zhmc_nic_data_rate_received_bytes_per_second D Data rate received over the collection interval
zhmc_cpc_humidity_percent C+D Relative humidity
zhmc_cpc_dew_point_celsius C+D Dew point
zhmc_cpc_heat_load_total_btu_per_hour C+D Total heat load of the CPC
zhmc_cpc_heat_load_forced_air_btu_per_hour C+D Heat load of the CPC covered by forced-air
zhmc_cpc_heat_load_water_btu_per_hour C+D Heat load of the CPC covered by water
zhmc_cpc_exhaust_temperature_celsius C+D Exhaust temperature of the CPC
zhmc_cpc_power_cord1_phaseA_watts C+D Power in Phase A of line cord 1 - 0 if not available
zhmc_cpc_power_cord1_phaseB_watts C+D Power in Phase B of line cord 1 - 0 if not available
zhmc_cpc_power_cord1_phaseC_watts C+D Power in Phase C of line cord 1 - 0 if not available
zhmc_cpc_power_cord1_phaseA_watts C+D Power in Phase A of line cord 2 - 0 if not available
zhmc_cpc_power_cord1_phaseA_watts C+D Power in Phase B of line cord 2 - 0 if not available
zhmc_cpc_power_cord1_phaseA_watts C+D Power in Phase C of line cord 2 - 0 if not available
zhmc_cpc_power_cord1_phaseA_watts C+D Power in Phase A of line cord 3 - 0 if not available
zhmc_cpc_power_cord1_phaseA_watts C+D Power in Phase B of line cord 3 - 0 if not available
zhmc_cpc_power_cord1_phaseA_watts C+D Power in Phase C of line cord 3 - 0 if not available
zhmc_cpc_power_cord1_phaseA_watts C+D Power in Phase A of line cord 4 - 0 if not available
zhmc_cpc_power_cord1_phaseA_watts C+D Power in Phase B of line cord 4 - 0 if not available
zhmc_cpc_power_cord1_phaseA_watts C+D Power in Phase C of line cord 4 - 0 if not available
zhmc_cpc_power_cord1_phaseA_watts C+D Power in Phase A of line cord 5 - 0 if not available
zhmc_cpc_power_cord1_phaseA_watts C+D Power in Phase B of line cord 5 - 0 if not available
zhmc_cpc_power_cord1_phaseA_watts C+D Power in Phase C of line cord 5 - 0 if not available
zhmc_cpc_power_cord1_phaseA_watts C+D Power in Phase A of line cord 6 - 0 if not available
zhmc_cpc_power_cord1_phaseA_watts C+D Power in Phase B of line cord 6 - 0 if not available
zhmc_cpc_power_cord1_phaseA_watts C+D Power in Phase C of line cord 6 - 0 if not available
zhmc_cpc_power_cord1_phaseA_watts C+D Power in Phase A of line cord 7 - 0 if not available
zhmc_cpc_power_cord1_phaseA_watts C+D Power in Phase B of line cord 7 - 0 if not available
zhmc_cpc_power_cord1_phaseA_watts C+D Power in Phase C of line cord 7 - 0 if not available
zhmc_cpc_power_cord1_phaseA_watts C+D Power in Phase A of line cord 8 - 0 if not available
zhmc_cpc_power_cord1_phaseA_watts C+D Power in Phase B of line cord 8 - 0 if not available
zhmc_cpc_power_cord1_phaseA_watts C+D Power in Phase C of line cord 8 - 0 if not available
zhmc_processor_usage_ratio C+D Usage ratio of the processor
zhmc_processor_smt_mode_percent C+D Percentage of time the processor was in in SMT mode
zhmc_processor_smt_thread0_usage_ratio C+D Usage ratio of thread 0 of the processor when in SMT mode
zhmc_processor_smt_thread1_usage_ratio C+D Usage ratio of thread 1 of the processor when in SMT mode

2.6. HMC credentials file

The HMC credentials file tells the exporter which HMC to talk to for obtaining metrics, and which userid and password to use for logging on to the HMC.

In addition, it allows specifying additional labels to be used in all metrics exported to Prometheus. This can be used for defining labels that identify the environment managed by the HMC, in cases where metrics from multiple instances of exporters and HMCs come together.

The HMC credentials file is in YAML format and has the following structure:

  hmc: {hmc-ip-address}
  userid: {hmc-userid}
  password: {hmc-password}

extra_labels:  # optional
  # list of labels:
  - name: {label-name}
    value: {label-value}


  • {hmc-ip-address} is the IP address of the HMC.
  • {hmc-userid} is the userid on the HMC to be used for logging on.
  • {hmc-password} is the password of that userid.
  • {label-name} is the label name.
  • {label-value} is the label value. The string value is used directly without any further interpretation.

2.7. Sample HMC credentials file

The following is a sample HMC credentials file (hmccreds.yaml).

The file can be downloaded from the Git repo as examples/hmccreds.yaml.

# Sample HMC credentials file for the Z HMC Prometheus Exporter.

  userid: user
  password: password

  - name: pod
    value: mypod

2.8. Metric definition file

The metric definition file maps the metrics returned by the HMC to metrics exported to Prometheus.

Furthermore, the metric definition file allows optimizing the access time to the HMC by disabling the fetching of metrics that are not needed.

The metric definition file is in YAML format and has the following structure:

  # dictionary of metric groups:
    prefix: {resource-type}
    fetch: {fetch-bool}
      # list of labels:
      - name: {label-name}
        value: {label-value}

  # dictionary of metric groups and metrics
      percent: {percent-bool}
      exporter_name: {metric}_{unit}
      exporter_desc: {help}


  • {hmc-metric-group} is the name of the metric group on the HMC.

  • {hmc-metric} is the name of the metric (within the metric group) on the HMC.

  • {resource-type} is a short lower case term for the type of resource the metric applies to, for example cpc or partition. It is used in the Prometheus metric name directly after the initial zhmc_.

  • {label-name} is the label name.

  • {label-value} identifies where the label value is taken from, as follows:

    • resource the name of the resource reported by the HMC for the metric. This is the normal case and also the default.

    • resource.parent the name of the parent resource of the resource reported by the HMC for the metric. This is useful for resources that are inside of the CPC, such as adapters or partitions, to get back to the CPC containing them.

    • resource.parent.parent the name of the grand parent resource of the resource reported by the HMC for the metric. This is useful for resources that are inside of the CPC at the second level, such as NICs or adapter ports, to get back to the CPC containing them.

    • {hmc-metric-name} the name of the HMC metric within the same metric group whose metric value should be used as a label value. This can be used to use accompanying HMC metrics that are actually identifiers for resources, a labels for the actual metric. Example: The HMC returns metrics group channel-usage with metric channel-usage that has the actual value and metric channel-name that identifies the channel to which the metric value belongs. The following fragment utilizes the channel-name metric as a label for the channel-usage metric:

          prefix: channel
          fetch: True
            - name: cpc
              value: resource
            - name: channel_css_chpid
              value: channel-name
            percent: True
            exporter_name: usage_ratio
            exporter_desc: Usage ratio of the channel
  • {fetch-bool} is a boolean indicating whether the metric group is retrieved from the HMC. This needs to be True for metrics that are exported, and can be set to False to optimize the retrieval for metrics that are not exported.

  • {percent-bool} is a boolean indicating whether the metric value should be divided by 100. The reason for this is that the HMC metrics represent percentages such that a value of 100 means 100% = 1, while Prometheus represents them such that a value of 1.0 means 100% = 1.

  • {metric}_{unit} is the Prometheus local metric name and unit in the full metric name zhmc_{resource-type}_{metric}_{unit}.

  • {help} is the description text that is exported as # HELP.

2.9. Sample metric definition file

The following is a sample metric definition file (metrics.yaml) that defines all metrics as of HMC 2.15 (z15).

The file can be downloaded from the Git repo as examples/metrics.yaml.

# Sample metric definition file for the Z HMC Prometheus Exporter.
# Defines all metrics up to HMC version 2.15.0 (z15), except for ensemble/zBX
# related metrics which are not supported by the Z HMC Prometheus Exporter.


  # Available for CPCs in classic mode

    prefix: cpc
    fetch: true
      - name: cpc
        value: resource

    prefix: partition
    fetch: true
      - name: cpc
        value: resource.parent
      - name: partition
        value: resource

    prefix: channel
    fetch: true
      - name: cpc
        value: resource
      - name: channel_css_chpid
        value: channel-name  # format: 'CSS.CHPID'

    prefix: crypto_adapter
    fetch: true  # hmc_version >= 2.12.0
      - name: cpc
        value: resource
      - name: adapter_pchid
        value: channel-id

    prefix: flash_memory_adapter
    fetch: true  # hmc_version >= 2.12.0
      - name: cpc
        value: resource
      - name: adapter_pchid
        value: channel-id

    prefix: roce_adapter
    fetch: true  # hmc_version >= 2.12.1
      - name: cpc
        value: resource
      - name: adapter_pchid
        value: channel-id

  # Available for CPCs in DPM mode

    prefix: cpc
    fetch: true  # hmc_version >= 2.13.1
      - name: cpc
        value: resource

    prefix: partition
    fetch: true  # hmc_version >= 2.13.1
      - name: cpc
        value: resource.parent
      - name: partition
        value: resource

    prefix: adapter
    fetch: true  # hmc_version >= 2.13.1
      - name: cpc
        value: resource.parent
      - name: adapter
        value: resource

    prefix: port
    fetch: true  # hmc_version >= 2.13.1
      - name: cpc
        value: resource.parent
      - name: adapter
        value: resource
      - name: port
        value: network-port-id

    prefix: nic
    fetch: true  # hmc_version >= 2.13.1
      - name: cpc
        value: resource.parent.parent
      - name: partition
        value: resource.parent
      - name: nic
        value: resource

  # Available for CPCs in any mode

    prefix: cpc
    fetch: true
      - name: cpc
        value: resource

    prefix: processor
    fetch: true
      - name: cpc
        value: resource
      - name: processor
        value: processor-name

    prefix: cpc
    fetch: true  # hmc_version >= 2.15.0
      - name: cpc
        value: resource


  # Available for CPCs in classic mode

      percent: true
      exporter_name: processor_usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio across all processors of the CPC
      percent: true
      exporter_name: shared_processor_usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio across all shared processors of the CPC
      percent: true
      exporter_name: dedicated_processor_usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio across all dedicated processors of the CPC
      percent: true
      exporter_name: cp_processor_usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio across all CP processors of the CPC
      percent: true
      exporter_name: cp_shared_processor_usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio across all shared CP processors of the CPC
      percent: true
      exporter_name: cp_dedicated_processor_usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio across all dedicated CP processors of the CPC
      percent: true
      exporter_name: ifl_processor_usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio across all IFL processors of the CPC
      percent: true
      exporter_name: ifl_shared_processor_usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio across all shared IFL processors of the CPC
      percent: true
      exporter_name: ifl_dedicated_processor_usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio across all dedicated IFL processors of the CPC
      percent: true
      exporter_name: icf_processor_usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio across all ICF processors of the CPC
      percent: true
      exporter_name: icf_shared_processor_usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio across all shared ICF processors of the CPC
      percent: true
      exporter_name: icf_dedicated_processor_usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio across all dedicated ICF processors of the CPC
      percent: true
      exporter_name: iip_processor_usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio across all zIIP processors of the CPC
      percent: true
      exporter_name: iip_shared_processor_usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio across all shared zIIP processors of the CPC
      percent: true
      exporter_name: iip_dedicated_processor_usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio across all dedicated zIIP processors of the CPC
      percent: true
      exporter_name: aap_shared_processor_usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio across all shared zAAP processors of the CPC
      percent: true
      exporter_name: aap_dedicated_processor_usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio across all dedicated zAAP processors of the CPC
    # aap-all-processor-usage does not seem to exist
      percent: true
      exporter_name: cbp_processor_usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio across all CBP processors of the CPC
      percent: true
      exporter_name: cbp_shared_processor_usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio across all shared CBP processors of the CPC
      percent: true
      exporter_name: cbp_dedicated_processor_usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio across all dedicated CBP processors of the CPC
      percent: true
      exporter_name: channel_usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio across all channels of the CPC
      percent: false
      exporter_name: power_watts
      exporter_desc: Power consumption of the CPC
      percent: false
      exporter_name: ambient_temperature_celsius
      exporter_desc: Ambient temperature of the CPC

      percent: true
      exporter_name: processor_usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio across all processors of the partition
      percent: true
      exporter_name: cp_processor_usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio across all CP processors of the partition
      percent: true
      exporter_name: ifl_processor_usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio across all IFL processors of the partition
      percent: true
      exporter_name: icf_processor_usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio across all ICF processors of the partition
      percent: true
      exporter_name: iip_processor_usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio across all IIP processors of the partition
      percent: true
      exporter_name: cbp_processor_usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio across all CBP processors of the partition
      percent: false
      exporter_name: zvm_paging_rate_pages_per_second
      exporter_desc: z/VM paging rate in pages/sec

      percent: true
      exporter_name: usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio of the channel
      percent: false
      exporter_name: null  # Ignored (used for identification in channel-usage)
      exporter_desc: null
      percent: false
      exporter_name: null  # Ignored (used for identification in channel-usage)
      exporter_desc: null
      percent: false
      exporter_name: null  # Ignored (used for identification in channel-usage)
      exporter_desc: null

      percent: true
      exporter_name: usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio of the crypto adapter
      percent: false
      exporter_name: null  # Ignored (used for identification in adapter-usage)
      exporter_desc: null
      percent: false
      exporter_name: null  # Ignored (used for identification in adapter-usage)
      exporter_desc: null

      percent: true
      exporter_name: usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio of the flash memory adapter
      percent: false
      exporter_name: null  # Ignored (used for identification in adapter-usage)
      exporter_desc: null

      percent: true
      exporter_name: usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio of the RoCE adapter

  # Available for CPCs in DPM mode

      percent: true
      exporter_name: processor_usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio across all processors of the CPC
      percent: true
      exporter_name: shared_processor_usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio across all shared processors of the CPC
      percent: true
      exporter_name: cp_processor_usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio across all CP processors of the CPC
      percent: true
      exporter_name: cp_shared_processor_usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio across all shared CP processors of the CPC
      percent: true
      exporter_name: ifl_processor_usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio across all IFL processors of the CPC
      percent: true
      exporter_name: ifl_shared_processor_usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio across all shared IFL processors of the CPC
      percent: true
      exporter_name: network_adapter_usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio across all network adapters of the CPC
      percent: true
      exporter_name: storage_adapter_usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio across all storage adapters of the CPC
      percent: true
      exporter_name: accelerator_adapter_usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio across all accelerator adapters of the CPC
      percent: true
      exporter_name: crypto_adapter_usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio across all crypto adapters of the CPC
      percent: false
      exporter_name: power_watts
      exporter_desc: Power consumption of the CPC
      percent: false
      exporter_name: ambient_temperature_celsius
      exporter_desc: Ambient temperature of the CPC

      percent: true
      exporter_name: processor_usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio across all processors of the partition
      percent: true
      exporter_name: network_adapter_usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio of all network adapters of the partition
      percent: true
      exporter_name: storage_adapter_usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio of all storage adapters of the partition
      percent: true
      exporter_name: accelerator_adapter_usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio of all accelerator adapters of the partition
      percent: true
      exporter_name: crypto_adapter_usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio of all crypto adapters of the partition

      percent: true
      exporter_name: usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio of the adapter

      # type: info
      percent: false
      exporter_name: null  # Ignored (identifies the port, used in label)
      exporter_desc: null
      # type: counter
      percent: false
      exporter_name: bytes_sent_count
      exporter_desc: Number of Bytes in unicast packets that were sent
      # type: counter
      percent: false
      exporter_name: bytes_received_count
      exporter_desc: Number of Bytes in unicast packets that were received
      # type: counter
      percent: false
      exporter_name: packets_sent_count
      exporter_desc: Number of unicast packets that were sent
      # type: counter
      percent: false
      exporter_name: packets_received_count
      exporter_desc: Number of unicast packets that were received
      # type: counter
      percent: false
      exporter_name: packets_sent_dropped_count
      exporter_desc: Number of sent packets that were dropped (resource shortage)
      # type: counter
      percent: false
      exporter_name: packets_received_dropped_count
      exporter_desc: Number of received packets that were dropped (resource shortage)
      # type: counter
      percent: false
      exporter_name: packets_sent_discarded_count
      exporter_desc: Number of sent packets that were discarded (malformed)
      # type: counter
      percent: false
      exporter_name: packets_received_discarded_count
      exporter_desc: Number of received packets that were discarded (malformed)
      # type: counter
      percent: false
      exporter_name: multicast_packets_sent_count
      exporter_desc: Number of multicast packets sent
      # type: counter
      percent: false
      exporter_name: multicast_packets_received_count
      exporter_desc: Number of multicast packets received
      # type: counter
      percent: false
      exporter_name: broadcast_packets_sent_count
      exporter_desc: Number of broadcast packets sent
      # type: counter
      percent: false
      exporter_name: broadcast_packets_received_count
      exporter_desc: Number of broadcast packets received
      percent: false
      exporter_name: data_sent_bytes
      exporter_desc: Amount of data sent over the collection interval
      percent: false
      exporter_name: data_received_bytes
      exporter_desc: Amount of data received over the collection interval
      percent: false
      exporter_name: data_rate_sent_bytes_per_second
      exporter_desc: Data rate sent over the collection interval
      percent: false
      exporter_name: data_rate_received_bytes_per_second
      exporter_desc: Data rate received over the collection interval
      percent: true
      exporter_name: bandwidth_usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Bandwidth usage ratio of the port
      # type: info
      percent: false
      exporter_name: null # mac_address
      exporter_desc: null # MAC address of the port, or 'N/A'
      # type: info
      percent: false
      exporter_name: null  # Ignored (can be detected from metric values)
      exporter_desc: null

    partition-id:  # the OID, i.e. /api/partitions/{partition-id}
      # type: info
      percent: false
      exporter_name: null  # Ignored (identifies the partition, used in label)
      exporter_desc: null
      # type: counter
      percent: false
      exporter_name: bytes_sent_count
      exporter_desc: Number of Bytes in unicast packets that were sent
      # type: counter
      percent: false
      exporter_name: bytes_received_count
      exporter_desc: Number of Bytes in unicast packets that were received
      # type: counter
      percent: false
      exporter_name: packets_sent_count
      exporter_desc: Number of unicast packets that were sent
      # type: counter
      percent: false
      exporter_name: packets_received_count
      exporter_desc: Number of unicast packets that were received
      # type: counter
      percent: false
      exporter_name: packets_sent_dropped_count
      exporter_desc: Number of sent packets that were dropped (resource shortage)
      # type: counter
      percent: false
      exporter_name: packets_received_dropped_count
      exporter_desc: Number of received packets that were dropped (resource shortage)
      # type: counter
      percent: false
      exporter_name: packets_sent_discarded_count
      exporter_desc: Number of sent packets that were discarded (malformed)
      # type: counter
      percent: false
      exporter_name: packets_received_discarded_count
      exporter_desc: Number of received packets that were discarded (malformed)
      # type: counter
      percent: false
      exporter_name: multicast_packets_sent_count
      exporter_desc: Number of multicast packets sent
      # type: counter
      percent: false
      exporter_name: multicast_packets_received_count
      exporter_desc: Number of multicast packets received
      # type: counter
      percent: false
      exporter_name: broadcast_packets_sent_count
      exporter_desc: Number of broadcast packets sent
      # type: counter
      percent: false
      exporter_name: broadcast_packets_received_count
      exporter_desc: Number of broadcast packets received
      percent: false
      exporter_name: data_sent_bytes
      exporter_desc: Amount of data sent over the collection interval
      percent: false
      exporter_name: data_received_bytes
      exporter_desc: Amount of data received over the collection interval
      percent: false
      exporter_name: data_rate_sent_bytes_per_second
      exporter_desc: Data rate sent over the collection interval
      percent: false
      exporter_name: data_rate_received_bytes_per_second
      exporter_desc: Data rate received over the collection interval
      # type: info
      percent: false
      exporter_name: null  # Ignored (can be detected from metric values)
      exporter_desc: null

  # Available for CPCs in any mode

      percent: false
      exporter_name: null  # Ignored (duplicate of ambient_temperature_celsius)
      exporter_desc: null
      percent: false
      exporter_name: humidity_percent
      exporter_desc: Relative humidity
      percent: false
      exporter_name: dew_point_celsius
      exporter_desc: Dew point
      percent: false
      exporter_name: null  # Ignored (duplicate of power_watts)
      exporter_desc: null
      percent: false
      exporter_name: heat_load_total_btu_per_hour
      exporter_desc: Total heat load of the CPC
      percent: false
      exporter_name: heat_load_forced_air_btu_per_hour
      exporter_desc: Heat load of the CPC covered by forced-air
      percent: false
      exporter_name: heat_load_water_btu_per_hour
      exporter_desc: Heat load of the CPC covered by water
      percent: false
      exporter_name: exhaust_temperature_celsius
      exporter_desc: Exhaust temperature of the CPC

    # linecord-one-name:
    #   # type: info
    #   percent: false
    #   exporter_name: power_cord1_name
    #   exporter_desc: Line cord 1 identifier - "not-connected" if not available
      percent: false
      exporter_name: power_cord1_phase_a_watts
      exporter_desc: Power in Phase A of line cord 1 - 0 if not available
      percent: false
      exporter_name: power_cord1_phase_b_watts
      exporter_desc: Power in Phase B of line cord 1 - 0 if not available
      percent: false
      exporter_name: power_cord1_phase_c_watts
      exporter_desc: Power in Phase C of line cord 1 - 0 if not available
    # linecord-two-name:
    #   # type: info
    #   percent: false
    #   exporter_name: power_cord2_name
    #   exporter_desc: Line cord 2 identifier - "not-connected" if not available
      percent: false
      exporter_name: power_cord2_phase_a_watts
      exporter_desc: Power in Phase A of line cord 2 - 0 if not available
      percent: false
      exporter_name: power_cord2_phase_b_watts
      exporter_desc: Power in Phase B of line cord 2 - 0 if not available
      percent: false
      exporter_name: power_cord2_phase_c_watts
      exporter_desc: Power in Phase C of line cord 2 - 0 if not available
    # linecord-three-name:
    #   # type: info
    #   percent: false
    #   exporter_name: power_cord3_name
    #   exporter_desc: Line cord 3 identifier - "not-connected" if not available
      percent: false
      exporter_name: power_cord3_phase_a_watts
      exporter_desc: Power in Phase A of line cord 3 - 0 if not available
      percent: false
      exporter_name: power_cord3_phase_b_watts
      exporter_desc: Power in Phase B of line cord 3 - 0 if not available
      percent: false
      exporter_name: power_cord3_phase_c_watts
      exporter_desc: Power in Phase C of line cord 3 - 0 if not available
    # linecord-four-name:
    #   # type: info
    #   percent: false
    #   exporter_name: power_cord4_name
    #   exporter_desc: Line cord 4 identifier - "not-connected" if not available
      percent: false
      exporter_name: power_cord4_phase_a_watts
      exporter_desc: Power in Phase A of line cord 4 - 0 if not available
      percent: false
      exporter_name: power_cord4_phase_b_watts
      exporter_desc: Power in Phase B of line cord 4 - 0 if not available
      percent: false
      exporter_name: power_cord4_phase_c_watts
      exporter_desc: Power in Phase C of line cord 4 - 0 if not available
    # linecord-five-name:
    #   # type: info
    #   percent: false
    #   exporter_name: power_cord5_name
    #   exporter_desc: Line cord 5 identifier - "not-connected" if not available
      percent: false
      exporter_name: power_cord5_phase_a_watts
      exporter_desc: Power in Phase A of line cord 5 - 0 if not available
      percent: false
      exporter_name: power_cord5_phase_b_watts
      exporter_desc: Power in Phase B of line cord 5 - 0 if not available
      percent: false
      exporter_name: power_cord5_phase_c_watts
      exporter_desc: Power in Phase C of line cord 5 - 0 if not available
    # linecord-six-name:
    #   # type: info
    #   percent: false
    #   exporter_name: power_cord6_name
    #   exporter_desc: Line cord 6 identifier - "not-connected" if not available
      percent: false
      exporter_name: power_cord6_phase_a_watts
      exporter_desc: Power in Phase A of line cord 6 - 0 if not available
      percent: false
      exporter_name: power_cord6_phase_b_watts
      exporter_desc: Power in Phase B of line cord 6 - 0 if not available
      percent: false
      exporter_name: power_cord6_phase_c_watts
      exporter_desc: Power in Phase C of line cord 6 - 0 if not available
    # linecord-seven-name:
    #   # type: info
    #   percent: false
    #   exporter_name: power_cord7_name
    #   exporter_desc: Line cord 7 identifier - "not-connected" if not available
      percent: false
      exporter_name: power_cord7_phase_a_watts
      exporter_desc: Power in Phase A of line cord 7 - 0 if not available
      percent: false
      exporter_name: power_cord7_phase_b_watts
      exporter_desc: Power in Phase B of line cord 7 - 0 if not available
      percent: false
      exporter_name: power_cord7_phase_c_watts
      exporter_desc: Power in Phase C of line cord 7 - 0 if not available
    # linecord-eight-name:
    #   # type: info
    #   percent: false
    #   exporter_name: power_cord8_name
    #   exporter_desc: Line cord 8 identifier - "not-connected" if not available
      percent: false
      exporter_name: power_cord8_phase_a_watts
      exporter_desc: Power in Phase A of line cord 8 - 0 if not available
      percent: false
      exporter_name: power_cord8_phase_b_watts
      exporter_desc: Power in Phase B of line cord 8 - 0 if not available
      percent: false
      exporter_name: power_cord8_phase_c_watts
      exporter_desc: Power in Phase C of line cord 8 - 0 if not available

      # type: info
      percent: false
      exporter_name: null  # Ignored (used as label)
      exporter_desc: null
      # type: info
      percent: false
      exporter_name: null  # Ignored (redundant with processor-name)
      exporter_desc: null
      percent: true
      exporter_name: usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio of the processor
      percent: false
      exporter_name: smt_mode_percent
      exporter_desc: Percentage of time the processor was in in SMT mode - -1 if not supported
      percent: true
      exporter_name: smt_thread0_usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio of thread 0 of the processor when in SMT mode - -1 if not supported
      percent: true
      exporter_name: smt_thread1_usage_ratio
      exporter_desc: Usage ratio of thread 1 of the processor when in SMT mode - -1 if not supported

2.10. Demo setup with Grafana

This section describes a demo setup with a Prometheus server and with the Grafana frontend for visualizing the metrics.

The Prometheus server scrapes the metrics from the exporter. The Grafana server provides a HTML based web server that visualises the metrics in a dashboard.

The following diagram shows the demo setup:

Demo setup

Perform these steps for setting it up:

  • Download and install Prometheus from the Prometheus download page or using your OS-specific package manager.

    Copy the sample Prometheus configuration file (examples/prometheus.yaml in the Git repo) as prometheus.yaml into some directory where you will run the Prometheus server. The host:port for contacting the exporter is already set to localhost:9291 and it can be changed as needed.

    Run the Prometheus server as follows:

    $ prometheus --config.file=prometheus.yaml

    For details, see the Prometheus guide.

  • Download and install Grafana from the Grafana download page or using your OS-specific package manager.

    Run the Grafana server as follows:

    $ grafana-server -homepath {homepath} web


    • {homepath} is the path name of the directory with the conf and data directories, for example /usr/local/Cellar/grafana/7.3.4/share/grafana on macOS when Grafana was installed using Homebrew.

    By default, the web interface will be on localhost:3000. This can be changed as needed. For details, see the Prometheus guide on Grafana.

  • Direct your web browser at https://localhost:3000 and log on using admin/admin.

    Create a data source in Grafana with:

    Create a dashboard in Grafana by importing the sample dashboard (examples/grafana.json in the Git repo). It will use the data source ZHMC_Prometheus.